Feb 25, 2013

22nd February Reflection

Today in film, we reviewed all the work that we had done and watched the products of everyone. Here is the feedback I had for each film:

An Unreliable Narrator:
- Good Opening (nice cuts, good variety)
- Good relationship.comparison between main character and "narrator
- Good score (matches modern feel of the film)
- Good variety of locations/portals
- Plot very similar to Stranger than Fiction
Operation Personatus
- Good Score
- Transitions a little shaky
- Awkward sound cut at the beginning
- Overall good sound quality for most of the footage
- Good transitions
- Bad resolution for a couple of scenes
- Nicely bizarre ending
- Good score
- Inconsistent sound
- Good sound effects
- Good portal ideas, some felt rushed
- Nice POV shots
Tea Time
- Not Rod Sterling (guy credited in the beginning was in fact Rod Serling)
- Appropriately creepy
- Good costumes
- Very Alice in Wonderland
- Good portals (not exactly portals, more planned cuts but still effective)
- Good actual portals
- "Yakkety Sax" device employed a little too much
- Weird audio transitions
- Good twist at the end.

Feb 7, 2013

5th February 2013 Reflection

Today in film, we continued editing. We were able to more succinctly integrate the music and sound effects, as well as improving the cutting between clips and synching visual effects. I feel that the movie is fine, but will require additional fine tuning before it is screenable. We are planning to film additional footage tomorrow, which should finish off the movie.